Spring is here!! I have been going outside a lot and playing in the grass and its been a lot of fun. I mostly try to pull out the grass and eat it, but mommy and daddy stop me before I can get it in my mouth. Sometimes >;)
I've become quite the talkative little boy - and loud! I'm starting to learn new sounds and levels of volume all the time! I'm also starting to understand what "Mama" means. It means that whenever I'm sad or need a hug, all I have to do is say "Mama" and I get what I want! How great!
I'm really close to walking now, and mommy and daddy are still hoping I'll start walking by my birthday. I can't wait to see Gran-D and Meemaw when they come up soon. Mommy says I'm going to get my first haircut then, daddy says I'm getting a mowhawk. Mommy says she'll kill daddy.
Well, my cartoons are on so I'm going to have to let y'all go, after all I have my priorities. J/k! Love you guys! Bye-bye!