Look what mommy and daddy got to do yesterday! I can't believe they left me at Mrs. Tanika's (my awesome babysitter) so that they could go out to sea for a day on daddy's carrier, the George Washington, to see guns, jets, and lots of other cool stuff. Granted, I had a fun day with Mrs. Tanika, but man I sure wish that I could have been there.
Other than that, mommy and daddy are getting ready to move. They plan on leaving November 3rd, so they are packing as much as they can before daddy goes underway for the last time next Monday. I'm looking forward to the trip, because I will get to see a lot of family during Thanksgiving and then Christmas.
Well, I have to go because its getting late and I'm starting to get a little more vocal when I'm tired. I love and miss all of you, take care!