Hello, hello everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but I have been a very busy boy. As most you of you may already know my very favorite Aunt, Aunt Heather just got married. So I had to catch a flight out of Norfolk June 25th to meet Mee-Maw in Salt Lake City Utah so I could make it for the wedding. Boy was I happy to see Mee-Maw! She sure does make me smile :) After Mee-Maw picked Mommy and I up from the airport we met up with Pom-Pom, Uncle Chad, Uncle Snake and Aunt Jackie at our hotel. I had just enough time to set my luggage down in my room before I hit the pool with Uncle Chad and Uncle Snake. The next day we went down to the Stake Center to decorate and prep for Aunt Heather and soon to be Uncle Trevor's big day. Everybody was working very hard, but I probably had the most important job of all. I had to inspect and test every single toy in that place to make sure they were all safe for the children to play with the next day. It was a tough job but somebody had to do it. Before you knew it the day we had all been anticipating for a while now had arrived. We all met at the Temple in the morning to greet Mr. and Mrs. Coons and take pictures. We then got together for a luncheon where some of the most delicious food I have ever had was served. I would say it was right up there with McDonald's french fries and you know how much I love those bad boys. MMMMMmm... Sorry I got a little side tracked. So where was I? Oh yeah, after the luncheon we went back to the hotel for a little nap. Soon after we met at the Stake Center for more yummy treats and some fancy footwork on the dance floor. Daddy was even able to pop his head in for the reception!

Thank you Aunt Alisha! It couldn't have been possible without you!
It was a great day! Congrats Aunt Heather and Uncle Trevor.
The following day we loaded up the cars and headed out to Yuba Lake for a family reunion. It was beautiful there. It reminded me of Mommy ;) I got to meet a lot of family that I had never met before. We played lots of games on land, in addition to lots of rides on the boat and wave runner. It was a blast! I even got to work on my tan which was just an added bonus. I can't wait to go again in 2011. Maybe by then I'll be old enough to take the boat for a spin.

Mommy had left Yuba Lake on June 30th and the rest of us Claytons left the next day to head off to Mee-Maw and Pom-Pom's house. I love to go there! I get to jump on the trampoline, practice my mad piano skills, and I get to play with Spartacus. He was much bigger than I had remembered! I guess it's because he eats his vegetables. Anyways, enough about him, back to me. Mee-Maw and Pom-Pom worked with me really hard and I now I can count to ten.... in Engligh, Spanish, and French. Just kidding, only in English, but speaking of which I also have been working on the alphabet. Mee-Maw recommended an amazing video which has really helped me with my letters and the sounds each letter makes. I think I might be ready for the SAT. Thanks for all of your hard work Mee-Maw and Pom-Pom!! Soon enough I will be smart enough to outwit Mommy and Daddy. Muahaha!
I got back home on July 10th and Daddy was there waiting for me!! Boy did I miss him. The next day Mommy had to work, but Mee-Maw, Daddy, and I went to a nearby Farmers Market which was a lot of fun. I got to eat some yummy ice cream and drink some fresh milk. That night we went to my favorite Mexican restaurant and stuffed ourselves. We enjoyed a nice weekend together and then Mee-Maw headed back home on the 13th. Then it was life as usual.
So again I do apologize that it has taken me so long to find the time to update you, but I'm sure you can understand. We all get a little busy from time to time. I hope this post is satisfying enough for now. I have some swim lessons coming up soon so you can look forward to hearing about that. Until next time I love you all very much and can't wait to see you soon!!