...I mean Me the Leper!
Don't worry, I don't really have leprosy. Just allergies. To what you ask? Who knows, who cares! The hives sprung up really quick and so mommy and daddy took me to the ER. They didn't think it was very serious, but just to be safe they went. Turns out, of course, its allergies and its completely harmless. The doctor said that there's no telling what I'm allergic to, since it could be one of a million things, and to use some Benedril.
Anyway, that was last night when I was only 1/4 covered in hives. Today is today and, as you can see, I'm about 1/2 covered. It doesn't bother me, except I keep scratching myself all over. Mommy and daddy tell me not to scratch, but I pretend not to understand what they're saying. Mommy's going to the store right now to get some Chamomile lotion. I'm just going to hang out in the bathtub playing with my toys until she gets back. Daddy's with me, don't worry. Not that I couldn't take care of myself though. For heaven's sake I already type at 80 wpm.
Other than my allergies, everything is good here in Virginia. It's not too cold and we're not too sick. We all have sniffles but nothing serious. I miss you all and hope we can talk soon - or webcam! That's fun!
Take care everyone!