So Nate (Uncle Snake) and Jackie came up for the weekend to celebrate my birthday! It was a lot of fun and we got lots of play time in! Nate taught me how to play my Spongebob video game, blow big bubbles, and punch people! Jackie was very nice to me and at times I would prefer to sit snugly by her side rather than anyone else in the room.
For my birthday I got lots of sweet presents, which I will get to later, but the coolest thing of all was my cake!!!
Mommy and Jackie slaved away making my cake look and taste great! They served it with a sand-shovel along with some vanilla/chocolate ice cream (yum!). During the birthday celebration I opened up lots of presents and birthday cards. Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday, sent a birthday card, or sent me birthday presents. Especially Grandma and Grandpa Clayton because not only did I get to enjoy a sweet pirate boat toy but I got to watch Daddy go nearly insane trying to put together the toy and its 45+ screws! Just kidding, Daddy said it wasn't too hard to put together, and seeing how much fun I had with it made all the unbearable frustration and time-consuming effort all worth it!
After my birthday we went out and took some family photos. I'm going to post some here, but when we get the rest on the computer we'll make sure to have the cream-of-the-crop available to everyone online.
Well, that's all I have time to update tonight - I do have a curfew after all. Anyway, I really miss everyone and hope that you are all doing well! I love to chat with my friends and family so call Mommy or Daddy's phone sometime and ask to speak with me. I can't guarantee I'll 'carry on' a conversation, but at least you'll get to hear the funny random things that come out of my mouth!
Take care everyone,