Hey everybody! Guess what... it's summer!!!! That means no more school! Well, not school-school anyways. Daddy and Mommy have me in "summer school" at home. We have a daily routine of reading and learning so I will be the smartest kid in my class when it's time for me to start Kindergarten. You heard me right, I'm going to be in KINDERGARTEN!
I don't mind summer school because I love to learn! Actually, everyone's hard work has already started to pay off because I am starting to read!!
Can you believe it? Mommy and Daddy are so proud. I'm excited too because soon I will be able to read books to Parker. I love him so much!

This is my cantaloupe plant. Do you see the little sprout in the middle?
My orange tree. I am hoping for oranges any day now. Just kidding. :) Still, I think it's pretty impressive.
Mommy and Daddy are amazed at how easily I am able to grow my plants. They even think I've started watering Parker and that is why he is growing so fast! They're silly.
The next few weeks for me will be pretty busy, but I will update my blog as soon as I can. On the 25th of June Nonnie, Mommy, and I will be going to Disney World for 5 days! Uncle J-bone (Mommy's brother) may even come play with us one day.
After that Mommy and I will fly to California where Daddy, Parker, and Uncle Nate will be, and from there we will drive to Utah. We'll be going there to spend time with Uncle Chad before he leaves for his mission and because it will be time for Grandma & Grandpa Camp!!!! Parker and I will stay there for two whole weeks and it is going to be so much fun! Rest up now Spartacus.
With so much fun up ahead there are sure to be some great new pictures to show you next entry. Keep your eyes peeled for the next update!! Have a super fun summer everyone!
Love you,