Howdy folks, B-man here. It has been a really fun summer. Not only have I been able to see tons of family, I got to go to Disney World and ride on a jet ski! Funny story. Not only did I get to ride one, I got to ride solo!! Daddy didn't exactly "let me" but there wasn't much he could do mid-backflip as I sped off with the jet ski. I heard his frantic screams though and came back calm and collected, and we had a good laugh.

But summer hasn't been ALL fun and games. Yours truly has done some serious learning too!
My secret weapon was Meemaw who teaches Kindergarten. I spent about two weeks with her this summer and I am happy to report that I am a READER for sure. Many words that I didn't already know I can sound out, and I'm not perfect but Kindergarten, bring it on!
Mommy and Daddy have been helping as well and are really proud of my progress. To keep me challenged we are all trying to learn sign language. I learn really quickly and already have a signing vocabulary of at least 30 words. We are hoping Parker bear will pick up signing as well so he can tell us why he is so loud all the time.

My little brother has been growing a lot and really loves playing with me. He is crawling all over the place so we made the living room 'baby-resistant' and let him roam freely. I have spent many an afternoon this summer crawling on the floor with him!
As I mentioned, Kindergarten is on the way and summer break is coming to a close. I will miss the many days spent at Nonny's swimming with Josh and Sarah and all the other joys of summer break, but I am ready for a routine and some play time with my fellow Kindergartners. (Plus I hear there's no NAPs in Kindergarten... oh man! I'm excited!!)
Until next time, avid readers!
