Kindergarten has been in full swing for a few weeks and... I've already gone to the Principals office (Sshh!). Who knew wandering off during school would land you in "The Office?" Of course, Mommy and Daddy prefer that they didn't get calls from the Principal, but at least it's something harmless. Besides, Daddy remembers his near-weekly visits to "The Office" and finds it hard not to be at least a little proud of his little 'rebel'!
This past month has been full of fun stuff, like Batfest, the opening of Jumpoline, surprise parties and visits to Mee-Maw's house. I sure am lucky to get to experience so many fun things and can't wait for Parker to be able to experience them with me. It won't be long though. He has already started standing pretty well.
A week ago I had my first Karate class! There is a kid's Karate class at my school in the evening and a whole bunch of kids go, including me. I'm not the best at doing push-ups yet but my Karate moves are already pretty impressive. HAI-YAH!

Mommy surprised me a few weeks ago by decorating my room! It looks great and one of the best parts is that there are glow-in-the-dark stars all over my ceiling. I love going to sleep at night and seeing them glow up there! Mommy is the best.
Daddy has been super busy at school and even busier with work. His company is making some real headway in getting off the ground and so he is always on the phone or at a meeting. To minimize the damage to his grades he dropped his Tuesday/Thursday class to do something called Independent Study where he can get credit for the work he is doing at his startup. We sure hope that he's able to juggle work, school and family without going nuts. Well.. more nuts!
The weather sure has cooled off, although it is still in the upper 90's and low 100's during the day. We are still hoping for a little rain because those wildfires going around are scary times. I had to stay inside all day during school last week because of the smoke outside. No recess = no fun! We are keeping our fingers crossed and send our thoughts out to those who have lost their belongings in the recent fires.
With that I would like to wish you a fond adieu. Sorry for getting this blog out late and I know I promised to update it on the 14th of each month but hey, what can you do when you are so busy having fun!