Ok, I know you were all getting worried that I wasn't posting blogs anymore. Really I was just building suspense for my next post to keep you wanting more. It's a trick they use in the entertainment biz.. figured I'd give it a try! Its cruel I know, but it keeps the ratings up.
A lot has happened since April 8th. I had my birthday, although we didn't do too much for it because we had one with Heather and we're having another one in a few days with Christy's family. They fly in tomorrow, GranD, Meemaw, Jimmy, and Uncle J-bone. We're gonna have a lot of fun going to the zoo and a baseball game, and of course I'm going to LOVE all the attention. I wonder how long it will take for mommy and daddy to 'undo' the spoiling? Months? Years?
Mommy saw me take a step from the sofa to the ottoman on my own. She was really happy and can't wait for me to do it again! I went to the doctor last week and he told me I'm just a little taller than average and as healthy as ever! Then he gave me some shots.. I didn't like that. What a meanie!
Oh! I had a great idea today (as usual). I understand that I have many.. many many avid readers. I want to start an email list so that you can all be updated when I post a new entry! If you would like to be added to the list, please send an email to reddwarfmc@hotmail.com and tell my dad that you want to be added to the update list. That way every time he... er, I update my blog you'll be the first to know!
Well I'm gonna go play hide and seek with daddy (something else I learned recently). See ya later!
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