Well I've been busy as usual learning new words, names of animals, and of course my basic shapes. As you can see in my video I've already learned the shapes of my magna-doodle stencils. Mommy, Gran-D, and Jimmy have all been helping me learn tons of new stuff, in fact I now know turtles, cats, cars, birds, fish, and even planes! Of course that's not the best news...
Guess who went potty! I did! Twice now! Mommy has been very good about trying to potty train me, and now it seems to be paying off. I'm just in it for the ice cream, which I get as a treat after I go. Next time you see me, I just might be wearing pull ups!

So my days have been mostly full of playing, eating, and napping, but with the weather warming up I've added a new item to my schedule - pool time! After long days waiting for the weather to warm up I finally get to go swimming with Mommy and Gran-D. Gran-D bought me this sweet floaty shaped like a plane which is cool because every time a plane goes over the house I point up in excitement.

Daddy's still doing his thing in San Diego. His old ship (the USS George Washington) is in San Diego for repairs after there was a BIG fire onboard off the coast of Chile. If Daddy were still on that ship he says he would have had to help fight it, since his Damage Control Locker was the first responder for that area. In fact, he says that the place he used to stand watch is completely burnt up now! Crazy. Anyway, he's excited because now he'll have a good month or so to hang out with his old friends from the ship (and they're excited they won't be out to sea for a while)!
Well I'm going to go learn more shapes and things, you guys take it easy!