Happy Mothers Day to mommy, and do Gran-D, and Meemaw (both Meemaws), and to G-ma, and Granny, and all of my favorite mothers! I hope you're all having a great Mothers Day!
Today mommy took me to a park down the street to play. I think she had alternative motives, however, because she seemed to want me to play until I got tired. Come to think of it, when we got back she put me in my crib for a nap! It's a conspiracy! Actually I don't mind naps, I always wake up with tons of new energy!
I hope I've been really good for mommy today, I did try my best even though at lunchtime I got a little moody. I hadn't had a nap yet, so you can't blame a kid can you?
I love my mommy very much and do my best to make life easy for her. She's always telling me how good of a boy I've been... well, not always but often enough! Sometimes mommy and daddy wonder if I'll even have my terrible twos. I think its up to them.. they can either give me what I want or else!
Well, it's getting a little late so I'm going to go ahead and sign off. Goodbye everyone and again, Happy Mothers Day!
P.S. I love you mommy, thank you for being so good to me! In fact, just for that I promise not to drive you crazy when I'm a teenager.
...at least not 'too' crazy *wink*
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