Hey everyone! I just spent the July 4th weekend hanging out with Daddy! It was lots of fun, I don't know if I can even describe it all!
On the 1st of July I flew from Austin to Las Angeles with my Uncle Nate, and I was really good on the plane. A couple of people asked him how he got me to behave so well, but of course they don't know that I'm just a good boy all around. Daddy picked us up at 8:00pm and when I saw him I was as excited as he was. I kept on saying "Daddy! Daddy!" until he would look at me, and then as an excuse I would point at some random object so he thought I had something to show him.
On Thursday we went to the Ocean Beach. Daddy, Nate, Papan (Daddy's daddy), and Craig was there. The water was really cold, but that didn't stop me from diving head first into waves as I ran along the water line. I threw the frisbee around, they buried my legs (which was hilarious), and I got lots of sand all over me. After that we went to my Great Uncle Roy's and waited for Meemaw and Chad to get there. I stayed up really late to see them, but I didn't get cranky at all. I already told you, I'm a good boy! After that I went to the zoo where I got to see my second cousins Levi and Georgia. We got to see lots of cool animals, and I even got to pet goats! Sometimes my petting was more like light slapping, but they didn't seem to mind.
On July 4th we went back to Roy and Leslies for a BBQ, and then we went down to daddy's base to play on fun rides and watch fireworks. I got to go on a kid-size ferris wheel and in two inflatable bouncy things - one of which I managed to bump my head in. The fireworks were really cool! I kept on grabbing daddy's neck and forcing him to look at the cool ones saying "Woooh!" - everyone thought it was really cute.
Saturday I went to the movie theater for the first time to see Hancock with Daddy, Papan, Chad, and Roy. I was SO good daddy got me ice cream afterward. I sat very quietly eating popcorn for the first half of the movie, and then I fell asleep on daddy's lap. I guess I wasn't so quiet during the second half because during quiet scenes you could hear me snore. No one seemed to mind though ;)
On Sunday I had to say goodbye to daddy as I left for St. George UT to stay with Papan, Chad, and Meemaw. It was a long trip but of course I was very good the whole time. Now I'm here in St. George learning how to play the piano and how to tell the family dog (Sparticus) how to sit. I've also had plenty of trampoline time as well.
I'm going to have a lot of fun up here! I fly back to Houston to see mommy and daddy on the 21st, so I'll have to get as spoiled as possible before I have to go! Actually, that might be hard because Papan and Meemaw promised to keep me in line (but I bet they won't feel too bad if they spoil me just a little bit!)
Well I've got lots of playing to do! Take care everybody, I'll talk to you later!
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