Hello everyone!
I don't know if its the same where you are, but its starting to get cold here. Daddy and I like it! It usually stays in the low 70s now, but its been dipping down into the high 60s sometimes. Yesterday was roughly 72 degrees with clear blue crisp autumn skies.

Recently I've just been hanging out playing with toys and watching Spongebob cartoons. I've been very good for mommy and daddy and so they've been giving me more time to watch cartoons and have been letting me have deserts too (if I eat all the food on my plate of course). Yep.. life is good.

A few weeks ago there was an airshow that the Navy was putting on in Virginia Beach. Since I love planes so much mommy and daddy were going to take me to see it. When we got near the airshow the traffic was so bad we ended up not going. I was sleeping in the car, so I didn't even know where we were going anyway. Instead we went to Mt. Trashmore, which is a local attraction. It's basically an old garbage dump that the city poured tons of fill dirt over creating a massive hill. Then they grew grass on it and now its a place people can climb up and down and fly kites on. It was a lot of fun, I
loved running down the hill super-fast!

Here at the new apartment I've been spending many a sunny day playing on the playground right outside the building. Its got a slide and plenty of platforms to climb on, it even has swings but its usually too wet under them because it doesn't drain well after rain. Mommy takes me out there sometimes before my nap to wear me out. It works like a charm.
Well I miss all of you very much and enjoy talking to you on the phone when I get the chance! Take care and I'll talk to you soon!
P.S. Oh yeah! Daddy wanted me to mention that if you want to contribute to my college savings there's a great way to do it by signing up for a free online program called Upromise. Basically its a program that partners with hundreds of stores and restaurants who promise to donate a certain percentage of your purchases to a college savings account. If you want to look into it you can find out more at www.Upromise.com - and if you want to contribute to my 529 plan just email my dad at reddwarfmc@hotmail.com to set that up. Thanks!