They but behold the glory of another entry into B-man's, I mean - my awesome blog.
I know I have been a huge slacker about updating for the past half-a-year or so, but I promise I have been busy and that things have been hectic for months. Daddy must have been stuck somewhere, because he 'got out' of the Navy and bolted for Texas.
Ever since then we've been busy with all sorts of arrangements; from birthdays to welcome back celebrations (I love you J-Bone!) and playing to learning, we've been in a whirlwind!
Daddy says it won't get any better from here. He says he'll get about three weeks of rest between work and school, but that after mid-July he's not going to get a moment of rest. His semesters will each have two halves each 7 weeks long, so by December he will have taken at least 8 finals.
Also by December, I am going to be a BIG BROTHER!!! Mommy and I got to surprise Daddy one day when he came home from work with the big news that mommy is pregnant. We were all really excited. A few weeks ago we learned that it will probably be a boy as well! How AWESOME!! I already have a cousin being born in July and he'll be around the same age as my little brother, and I'll be the biggest so I'll have to take care of the younger kids.

I'm brushing up on my Big Brothering skills already by making sure I am good for Mommy and Daddy. If my little brother sees me being good he may want to be good too! I have also been learning how to spell some words! Daddy is pretty sure that I am just memorizing the word visually and that actual spelling is still pretty far down the line, but he and Mommy are proud of me just the same! So far I am a master at spelling Mommy, Moon, Stop, and a few other fun words. Like I! I laughed hard when I found out how to spell I.

My favorite thing to do lately has been to play Wii. Mommy and Daddy started a system with me where I can earn 'points' for learning or being especially well behaved. If I collect enough points I can play a game or watch cartoons. Most of the time I choose to play Mario Galaxy which is REALLY fun!! My parents don't think that Wii games are the best for me, but they make for good rewards and it is truly astonishing how quickly I pick up on these games - especially one as difficult as Mario.
I wish I could write more but I just don't have enough time to keep updating when I could be playing Wii! Just kidding. Again, I'm sorry I haven't written sooner but be thankful for what you get! (And I promise to update again soon!)
Love you guys,
Good fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
uh your anonymous posts are strange. How is life! This was AGES ago. What's up now? Did ya'll get a mysterious tractor and rig in the mail (belated Christmas and early birthday :)
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