You may be wondering where I've been and what I've been up to lately, and I apologize for being such a stranger. The last 9 months have been pretty crazy for us Claytons which has hindered my blogging. I thought it was only fair, since you have all been so patient with me, that I include a ton of pics! So, what do you say I bring you up to speed?
Since my last post I have started going to Preschool. Actually, I am now on my THIRD school!! Origianlly, I was enrolled at Children's Courtyard, a daycare that has a pre-k teacher come to teach the class at our campus, but since Mommy has adjusted her schedule so she can stay home w/ Parker there was no need for me to be in daycare anymore. That's when I started going to Blue Bonnet Elementary. My class was from 11:40a-2:40pm which was pretty inconvenient for Mommy, but she was happy to see me learning so much there!
I was one of four top students in my class according to my teacher! Due to a move I am now going to Davis Elementary, which is sort of funny since Daddy went to a Davis Elementary too. Now my class is from 8:30a-2:30p and I love it there! My new teacher, Mrs. Acuna, loves having me there since I am one of her best singers! She loves to sing almost as much as me! Not only am I an awesome singer, but I am also now a bus rider! I've wanted to be a bus rider ever since I started going to school, so everyday I hop on the "Frog" bus to get home and try my best not to forget my "packpack" on the bus. Don't worry I have only done that once. :)
As I mentioned earlier, since you last heard from me I have moved to a new pad. For several reasons Mommy and Daddy wanted to move into a smaller place and they were right on. Now that we are in our small apartment there is less cleaning to do. Much less! And, since Mommy and Daddy aren't so busy cleaning there is more time for playing. I was sad to not live next door to my best friend Skylar anymore but I love my new room much better. Plus, I still get to go over to her house to play.
Another totally awesome thing about our new place is that we can see deer from our porch and almost every room in the apartment. Finally, and probably one of my favorite things about our new place is that the pool is open all year round! Since, I will be taking swim lessons again this year, I expect to be in the water about as much as a fish!
There was something introduced to my life a few months ago that is very important to me... Legos! My G-ma & G-pa got me my very first set of Legos this past Halloween. Everyone was shocked at how easily I was able to construct this garbage truck by following the instructions. I mean, I'm a good listener and all, but these instructions were meant for 6 year-olds at least!
Since my impressive engineering abilities were discovered, I now have in my possession about 2.3 million Legos! My Nonny and Pops got me a super awesome Lego table for Christmas that stores about 3% of my Legos ;) and provides an awesome place for me to build all sorts of stuff without making my room messy. My Memaw and Papan gave me all of my Daddy's old Legos which was really awesome too! According to Mommy one of the coolest things I've made recently was a life like camera! Mommy and Daddy love seeing all of the creative stuff I come up with when playing with Legos.
You are probably thinking to yourself, "Hey Brandon, aren't you forgetting to mention something?", but I was saving the best for last. Another change worth mentioning and probably one of the main reasons I haven't had a lot of time to blog is about 4 months ago I got my very own baby brother!!!!! My baby Parker was born on 11/11/2010 and has been the best change of all! He is a very sweet boy just like me and I love playing with him! I love him very much and it may have something to do with him giving me a Lego set when he was born. Just "trickin"!
I am really good at making him laugh and smile. If I am talking but Parker can't see me, he will look for me until he finds me. And when he does he smiles almost immediately. I am a big helper when it comes to changing his diaper, feeding him, and keeping him entertained if he gets fussy. I give him hugs and kisses all the time even though he hits me in the face with his hands and feet a lot. I know he is just a baby and doesn't know that he is doing that so I don't ever get mad. I can't wait to share my Legos with him once he's big enough and not drooling all over everything. :)
Well, I hope this gives you a better idea of what I've been up to lately and again, I'm sorry it has been so long since I've posted an entry! I know how much everyone enjoys reading my posts so I will try to cut my time with Legos a little short so I can keep up w/ my blog. Speaking of which, I saw Parker at the computer the other night... I think he might be working on his own blog ;)
I love you all very much!! Later alligators! Now enjoy some more pictures :)
Birthday weekend in Houston:

1 comment:
I'm so glad you are back!..and back in a big way! You live in a great place, with the best parents in the world! Keep up the good work at school, and the singing!
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