Seriously, life is sweet with all this candy I raked in on Halloween! I must have about 1,000 pieces of delicious treats. Candy, it's what's for dinner.. but don't tell Mommy :)
We went to G-ma and G-pa's to celebrate Halloween this year. Actually, we went last year too. Heck, we'll probably even be there next year. We always have so much fun together! This year we ordered pizza, I helped pick some jalapenos, we played in the yard w/ the big ol' blue ball, and once we heard the doorbell ring we knew it was time to start trick or treating.
My costume was super cool! Mommy made me a robot costume that was totally awesome. People kept telling me how cool my costume was and other kids would say, "Hi Robot" when they would pass me. I felt like a superstar.
It's tough having a super totally awesome costume sometimes. For instance, I couldn't touch my hands together and my robot shoes were difficult to walk in. Mommy held my candy bag for the most part and I eventually ditched my robot shoes. I wasn't even able to bend down to pick things up, so you can imagine the utter hopelessness I felt when I came to a house who had their candy bowl resting on the ground on the doorstep. I just stood there motionless, fixated on the untouchable treaty-treats. It was devastating! After Mommy and Daddy had, had enough amusement at my expense, Mommy came to my rescue and put the bowl in reach so I could finally get my hard earned treat.

It was a good night and I'm pretty certain I have enough candy to get me through til next Halloween. :)
There's not really much else to update you on at this point. I'm still in Karate and I am still really enjoying my school, teacher, and classmates. I attend the occasional Birthday party and go visit Nonny and Pops from time to time. I have a pretty awesome life and I am truly a happy little boy.
I miss you all and hope to see you soon.
Take care,
Robot Brandon
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