A few weeks after Parker's birthday we went up to Las Vegas to visit J-Gramps and Meemaw. It was WAY fun! I got to play with Spartacus, see lions, and went to a theme park at Circus Circus. At the theme park I got to do a plane ride, train ride, and this other ride where you sit in a seat and you are brought way up high and then they drop you! It made me laugh a lot cuz it tickled my belly.

Our travels didn't stop after Vegas either. We had an early Christmas in Houston with Nonny and Meemaw because there was a lot of family that were only in town for early December. I got a bunch of cool toys including this duck-hunting game where a toy duck would fly around and you would have to shoot it with a toy shotgun. It didn't shoot real bullets - just some invisible bullets or something.
Not long after our early Christmas we had another holiday get-together at Uncle Tommy and Aunt Peggy's in Nacogdoches. We ate tons of yummy food, including bowls and bowls of Aunt Peggy's world-famous homemade chili, and played a lot outside. There were a bunch of leaves on the ground and acorns were everywhere. Even the grown-ups went outside and threw frisbees around until it got too dark to see them.

We had our third and fourth Christmas celebrations back in Austin. One with just Mommy and Daddy and Parker and another at G-pa and G-ma's. Uncle J-bone and Uncle David were there, and I got to play with some of their toys. Uncle David let me play with his shooter gun that shot little circle things really far.
I've been back in school for a week now and I'm learning about snow. Did you know that snow is made of water just like rain? I don't know how you can hold it and turn it into a snowball though. Nature is such a mystery. I got my report card as well and had very good marks, so Mommy and Daddy let me buy a toy as a reward. I got a Lego truck. It is way awesome and I built it really quick.
Whew.. that was a lot of typing! I shouldn't wait so long between blog entries. Before I sign off I wanted to shoot you an idea I had. I was thinking that I could do a special video blog sometime, but sometimes I can't think of anything to talk about. I think being on camera makes me nervous! So to help me I was thinking that my wonderful family and friends could come up with some questions about stuff they want to know. It could be about me or what I am doing at school, or even whether or not I can count to 100! Ok, some questions might not be the best for video, but you get the point!
If you want me to answer your questions in my first video-blog, just send them to my Mommy or Daddy. I would have you send them to me but I don't have email or a Facebook account... yet.
Take care everybody! Love ya!
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