Seasons Greetings!
Don't believe that we just put up the tree, mommy made daddy put it up weeks ago. She loves Christmas so much that she couldn't wait until after Thanksgiving to put up the Christmas decorations.
Thanksgiving was fun. Both of them actually! Daddy had duty on the real Thanksgiving and so mommy and I went over to a neighbors. I got to play with her two boys and the meal was delicious. Then on Saturday we had Thanksgiving as a family. Daddy cooked the turkey in the crockpot rather successfully, although he miscalculated how tall the turkey would be in the pot and had to cover it with foil to keep the moisture from escaping. Eventually the turkey shrank and the lid fit just fine, but daddy was worried there for a minute!
It's been getting much colder and we've been getting much busier! Daddy is six weeks into his semester and is still trying to keep up the pace of four classes. He says that Calculus II isn't kicking his butt as much as it was, but that his mid-terms are coming up and he's a bit worried about getting all of his studying done.
Mommy's still working at Target and doing well. She and I will be going to Houston this week for her cousins wedding so I will get to see family really soon! I'm looking forward to seeing Uncle Freddy and hope that we get lots of time to play.
I'm also trying to be a really good boy to stay on Santa's good list! I asked him to have mommy and daddy leave me alone and let me do whatever I want... I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Anyway, I love you all and hopefully won't be too busy to update again this month!