Monday, February 25, 2008

Hello again!

I had a scare last week! I was getting a little fussy and no one knew exactly why, and then one day I had little bumps all over my body! Gran-D was pretty sure I had the chicken pox, but when we went to the doctor he said it was just a type of rash. It's gone now, but mommy was afraid because she could get the chicken pox from me!

Daddy and I got to talk to each other the webcam! He was surprised at how much I would interact with him. I recognized his voice and his face on the screen. We would talk to each other and I would even give him high fives! It was really cute when I tried to give him a hug and when we would blow kisses. I love technology!

My birthday is coming soon! I think I'm ready for the terrible twos, I think I've been a good boy long enough! Just kidding, I don't want to be a bad boy. Especially because mommy works so hard all day long, and when she gets home I don't want to make things much harder for her. Sometimes I can't help it, but hey, I'm just a little boy and sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. One day I'll learn how to control my frustrations.

Well I gotta go get back to playing and stuff. I'll post y'all later!


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thumbs up!

Hello everyone!

Mommy has been gone all weekend to go visit daddy in San Diego. She got there Friday night and has probably been having the time of her life while I'm here all alone. Well.. of course I'm not all alone, but I do miss mommy! In the meantime I've been spending time with Julia and her son Curtis. He's a lot bigger than me, but he doesn't try to give me wedgies or anything.

Things are relatively the same down here in Houston. I am continuing to find new ways to get away with things I'm not supposed to do, learning new words, and trying out new and exciting dance moves! Mommy says that I'm a dancing fool sometimes, I just can't help it - the music moves me!

Mommy should be getting here tonight, and I hear that she's bringing back a web cam! I can't wait to use it to see daddy and talk to him! I'm hoping that I'll be able to use the web cam so that all of my adoring fans can see me being all cute and funny. Maybe I'll set up a date and time for people to log on and come see me. I know that my distant cousins in England have a web cam, so maybe I'll get my first look at the Davis'! (After all, I need to size up Brooklyn in case she bullies me when they come to Houston - maybe Joran and I can form an aliance!)

Well, more info to come about the webcast. Until then I bid you all goodnight!
