Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May Days Update


Hello friends and family!

Thought I would give you a quick update and the latest picture of me, and also I wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to Uncle Chad who turned 16 yesterday! Suddenly I know why daddy tells me to look both ways before crossing the street, or even the sidewalk for that matter ;)

Mommy has been working less overtime lately so we've been able to spend more time together. Most of the time its great, but yesterday she took me to the doctor to get some shots. Why do mommy and daddy insist on torturing me?! Actually its not so bad, I'm a tought kid after all.

I'm getting better about saying "thank you", but I still need to work on saying "please". At least that's what mommy says. I don't get why I can't just say "Mine!" and point at what I want, after all everything IS mine.

Daddy still has 2 months left in San Diego and then he'll be back here in Houston. We're going to spend a lot of time together going to parks, the zoo, and maybe even a baseball game - Go Astros! Daddy says I'll have to be on my best behavior or else we won't get to do all those fun things so I'll have to try my best to be a good boy. It's hard to be good all the time, but at least mommy and daddy reward me when I am - that's good motivation.

Well I better wrap this up so the computer doesn't randomly shut down on me and erase the entire blog entry again. When I'm older computers will be so smart I'll just have to think about posting to the blog and *poof*! Until then I have to deal with this primitive nonsense!

Until next time everyone!

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