Sunday, May 1, 2011

Notice anything different?
Here's a little hint..

What do you think?

I finally decided that I didn't want long hair anymore, so I told Mommy and she took me to the hair cutter place. The lady with all the suckers cut my hair and put this stuff in it to make it stick up. I wonder what she used cause I get in trouble when I put stuff in my hair. I'm guessing it wasn't Windex. When we left I kept asking Mommy if my hair had fallen or if it was still mohawk hair.

It's hard to believe it is already May but I can't deny that I am really looking forward to summer break. I love school but who wouldn't rather go swimming all day instead? I took swim lessons a few years ago, but not much of it really stuck. This year may be the year I master the art of swimming. After all, how am I going to teach Parker to swim if I don't know myself?

If anyone is in the Austin area maybe you could come swimming with me at my pool. Or I can have my chauffeur (Mommy) bring me to your pool. Either way I really hope I am able to see a lot of you in the coming months.

While I wait for summer to arrive I usually occupy my time with lots of different things. Recently I have grown quite fond of gardening. I got some some sunflower seeds when Nonny and Pops took me to the Rodeo and I have done a totally awesome job of helping them grow! I water them everyday after school and check their progress. Mommy and Daddy think I have a green thumb, but they must be tricking me because my thumb isn't green. Sillies! Daddy shows me pictures of roots on or or whatever the name of that place is so I can see what my plants look like under the dirt.

Since I planted my sunflowers I have found seeds in all kinds of funny places, like my lunch!!!
Actually, the night before my birthday we went to eat dinner and I had mandarin oranges w/ my pizza. As I was eating my oranges I found seeds!!! I got so excited and told Mommy we had to plant them. She agreed so I set them on the side of my plate so I wouldn't lose them. Well when I wasn't looking the waiter came and took my plate, seeds and all. I was very sad, but guess what! The very next day at lunch I had orange slices and found even bigger seeds!! I asked all my friends at lunch if I could have their orange seeds and I hid them in my pack pack so they wouldn't get lost. When I came home from school Mommy took me to the store to get a pot to plant them in. Although my orange seeds get water everyday, well lets just say we won't be having any fresh squeezed orange juice around here for a while. I don't get discouraged though :)

Some of the other things I like to do is to help Mommy and Daddy cook, I like to read and sing to Parker, play my new game Lego Harry Potter, and watch movies. Of course I still love to eat cereal and did you know that Parker loves cereal too? He eats it all the time, but his cereal doesn't look very good! Mommy and Daddy even put vegetables in it sometimes!! That is just wrong. Don't worry Parker, one day when you are a little older and Mommy and Daddy aren't looking I will probably share some of the good stuff with you. That's what big brother's are for right?

Well, I hope this satisfies your curiosity about what I'm doing on the regular ;) I've got to go because I am working really hard on rebuilding all of my lego kits. See ya later awwigator.

Love you,

1 comment:

Joe Clayton said...

I like your new haircut! I look forward to seeing you this summer!